Saturday, May 16, 2015

Definition: Bluegrass News Reporter - See: Dream Job

Image635674055395083955One of the great things about working in bluegrass music is the almost constant influx of upbeat attitudes.

I suppose that many others have already recognized this in one way or another. But while researching the stories that made the news for our year-end review I noticed a little sideline to that concept.

One of the greatest things about working in the Bluegrass News field is that almost all of the news we publish is of an upbeat, positive nature. Not counting obituaries, because death is inevitable and depending upon a person's beliefs, the passing from this life to the eternal is cause for joy although for those of us left with the loss we often treat it with sadness.

But when looking at mainstream news compared to our Bluegrass News, we very rarely see the disastrous reports that seem to flood the nightly broadcasts. I mean, I can't remember the last time a gunman shot up a bluegrass festival or a bluegrass business tycoon absconded with his bluegrass association's treasury funds or a bluegrass tanker spilled a million banjos into the Gulf necessitating a world-wide panic and massive pick-up efforts.

No, actually on the contrary, Bluegrass News is not only exciting, but the absence of those mainstream shockers makes working in the field a dream job.

Just looking at the last fifty stories posted, with the exception of two obituary notices, all were of a positive nature. Working in this business for the last several years, I'd have to say that is a normal occurrence.

So, “No sir” - when NBC News calls to see if we want to be the new nightly news anchor; “No Sir, but thank you anyway.”

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